Paragard IUD

The Paragard IUD (Intrauterine Device) is a hormone free device implanted in the uterus to provide long term protection against pregnancy. The Paragard IUD is unique from other IUD devices in preventing fertilization, as it was manufactured with copper that produces an inflammatory reaction that acts like a spermicide to prevent pregnancy.

Recent FDA studies have reported that the ParaGard IUD may break or fracture. The broken device or remaining fragments of the device can cause perforation of the uterus or other injuries requiring invasive surgery to remove. Reports have also indicated the device can also lead to complications such as serious infections or abscess, scarring, hysterectomy, loss of reproductive health and even death.

If you or a loved one have suffered an injury or serious loss due to the use of a Paragard IUD device, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Contact the attorneys at Simon Greenstone Panatier immediately for a free, confidential case evaluation by calling toll free at 866-734-5291. Paragard IUD lawsuits are being evaluated on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay nothing unless a recovery is obtained.